vendredi 11 décembre 2009

Sorc'henn - Gula Guten

Gula Guten (Snapped In Half siht22)
CDr edition of 40 hand-numbered copies

Quite different from Silvestrig, Gula Guten is equally impressive. It includes what seems to be dialogs from an old Swedish movie, but it could be anything else for that matter. Once again the overall mood is dark but we have left the woods for more industrial landscapes.

Sorc'henn continues with his obsession for goats on both titles, and the great title for track 2 is 'Drunk With The Old Goat On The Mountain' : Nurse With Wound fans will appreciate! (And they'll surely dig the music too!).

A perfect soundtrack for a movie by David Lynch yet to be made (and probably one of his scariest...)

Released on Snapped In Half, it seems that it is still available at the source : you know what to do...


jeudi 10 décembre 2009

Sorc'henn - Silvestrig

Silvestrig (Tavarn Keben bes44)
CDr edition of 71

My first in a series of Sorc'henn posts, Silvestrig is one long track (actually not called Silvestrig but Grand Goat-Heads Processing Choir and it makes more sense). It reminds me of some William Basinski's work, quite minimal and repetitive but carrying a lot of feeling and conjuring vivid images. You can easily imagine you're lost in some strange forest and you chance upon a equally strange ritual performed by goat-headed individuals... if you get my meaning.

Plainly said, it's really darn good music, buy a copy if you find one, you won't be disappointed!

Sorc'henn is Laurent B. main project, and Silvestrig was released on his own Tavarn Keben label in 2008. More to follow.


jeudi 3 décembre 2009

Ajilvsga / Pine Smoke Lodge - Lighting The Qulliq vol. 2

Ajilvsga / Pine Smoke Lodge
Lighting The Qulliq vol. 2 (Existential Cloth Recordings, 2009)
CDr edition of 25

Did I say that I really don't like split releases...? Well, for a change, this one is great! It just flows nicely from Pine Smoke Lodge titles to Ajilsga : you can make the difference obviously, but everything fits in place and stays in the same mood.
This release sure makes me want to listen to more Pine Smoke Lodge (Lighting The Qulliq Vol. 1 & 3 are available). Nice black digipack with gloomy insert (can't get enough of mummified Indian corpses, or can I?...)

Existential Cloth Recordings only have a myspace page, here it is.


mardi 1 décembre 2009

November is gone...

... and I didn't even post once!

Hopefully December will find me less busy, so I can resume my irregular posting. I still haven't found the time to rip some more cassettes, in fact I have hours of music that I haven't listened to yet!

Next upload should be Lighting The Qulliq Vol. 2, and some time in the not too far future, Purple and Silver Crow by Ajilvsga, and maybe half a dozen Sorc'henn releases...


I promise.

Well, I hope.